Company meeting Thurs. Nov. 7th

2024 Incidents
September Total 30
Structure Fires 21
Multiple Alarms 0
Commercial Water 6
Residential Water 0
No Duty 0
Vent/Fans/Ems/Other 3
2024 YTD Totals                  270


What and Where do the Protectives respond to?

The Protectives respond to working fires, as well as, water problems, commercial and residential, and miscellaneous calls, inside the city of Rochester.

Do the Protectives go on EMS calls?

The Protectives do not get dispatched to EMS calls.  However they do perform EMS for walk-ups, and if encountered in the district.

The Protectives have night shifts, what about during the day?

The Protectives work with a Rochester firefighter, who drives and operates the truck on calls at all times.  During the day, the Rochester firefighter may be the only person on the truck. The members who are available can respond to a call during the day shift to go and aid the driver.


If you have any questions you would like to see on this page, please let us know!