2024 Incidents
May Total 30
Structure Fires 20
Multiple Alarms 3
Commercial Water 4
Residential Water 1
No Duty 0
Vent/Fans/Ems/Other 2
2024 YTD Totals                   144

In Memory Of

Past Chief Mark Kirchgessner Past Chief Mark Kirchgessner 


Chief John Harvey

                                                 Chaplain Eugene Edwards


Bucky McCarthy

A member with the protective’s for 63 years.

11-1-1950 to 12-17-2013

Chaplain Bill (Willie) Garcia

With the Protectives since 1987

March 2,1955 – Febuary 28,2018


Dave Schultz

Member of the Protectives

from 11/73 to 7/18

Gary Columbo

RFD Protectives Driver

Frank Gigliotti
